Seminar & Workshop Topics:


  • Communicating Like Jesus (Teaching, Preaching, Counseling)

  • Successful Teaching

  • Leadership in the Bible

  • Leading like Jesus

  • Elders and Deacons Training

  • Spiritual Formation & Discipleship

  • Time Management--A Plan You Can DEPEND On

  • It's as Simple as ABC (The Gospel)

  • Everyone is CALLED - Six Keys to Unlock Your Calling/Life Purpose

  • The 3 Wills of God: SIR

  • Five Steps to Discovering Your Spiritual GIFTS

  • 4 Simple Steps to READ your Bible Better

  • The One Who READs, GROWS

  • SDRAM, a Bible Memory Plan

  • The Bible in a Day

  • Say Your PRAYERS as Jesus Taught

  • The 12 Step Program to Powerful Prayer (and why prayers don't get answered)

  • You are a VIP! Created in God's Image!

  • How are You Wired? The 7 Pillars of Wisdom

  • Do You CARE to Share?

  • Defending Christian Faith Without Apology

  • Science in the Bible--the Oldest Science Textbook

  • Historical Support for the Bible--No Other Religious Book Compares

  • Biblical Archaeology

  • A Biblical Foundation for Building a Strong Marriage

  • FEAR of God - Remedy for Temptation

  • Christian Camping Ministry




Prayer is required, but no fees are. God is the Provider, but the church or organization may give towards expenses as they feel appropriate.  All pamphlets are free, but the book The Bible to Life should get a $20 donation and the book Communicating Like Jesus should get a $12 or more donation to help cover printing costs.




Dr. T is on a mission to bring the Bible to life and make disciples of Jesus Christ (Mt 28:19-29) who will also make disciples of Christ (2 Tim 2:2).  He believes in using the gifts God has given him (1 Pet 4:10) to creatively build believers in their faith and reach the lost with the love of Christ (Mk 12:30) at home and beyond (Acts 1:8).





"Dr. Terry Smith is a servant of our Lord who leads with integrity of heart and skillful hands. Whether directing worship or teaching... excellence marks his work! Terry's many God-given competencies are only outdone by His singular focus to glorify God in seeing Christ formed in others... wholeheartedly recommend him to the Lord's service!"

-- Chris Gnanakan, D.Min, Ph.D, D.D, Professor of Theology & Global Studies, Liberty University


"Crosspoint Church has had Dr. Smith minister in our church in numerous ways. He has played his guitar and sang; he has also filled our pulpit and taught various classes. He is a gifted person who has a heart for our Lord."

-- Dr. Jerry Mick, Senior Pastor, Crosspoint Church


"The ministries of Dr. Terry Smith are fueled by an evident passion to serve the risen Christ. Dr. Smith is man of ambition and drive who desires to be used of God in the growth and equipping of His church."

-- Chris Quimby, Christian Comedian, Speaker & Writer, Co-host of VsTV's Soup du Jour



The Bible to Life Book


"Terry Smith has crafted a helpful book for seekers and people new to the Christian faith. It provides brief, memorable lessons foundational for growing as a Christian and developing spiritual patterns and practices for a vital faith. You’ll find it a good resource for both individual reading and group study and discussion."

-- Dr. Kevin E. Lawson, Global Affiliate Professor of Educational Studies, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University


"What a helpful little book, packed with practical and Scriptural recommendations for disciples. Dr. Terry Smith is a master teacher and long-time disciple, so read and enjoy; anchor yourself in these lessons and digest them at leisure. Or as Terry might say: Read, Enjoy, Anchor, Digest."

-- Dr. Jeffrey Arthurs, Robinson Chair of Preaching and Communication, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary


"Dr. Smith has used simplicity, ingenuity, and memory aids (mnemonics) like acronyms and acrostics in his most recent book, The Bible to Life to allow the reader to remember topics easier. His strategy allows individuals to learn the basics of the Christian faith and integrate those into one’s individual walk with the Lord. A unique way of helping to learn and remember. Embedded in the topics are many components of the spiritual disciplines that help believers have an ongoing path of spiritual growth."

-- Dr. Jerry Mick, Senior Pastor, Crosspoint Church, Bangor, ME and Director of Training for Outreach to Asian Nationals


"More times than I can count, I have read a passage from the Bible only to struggle to remember the key points of what I just read. Dr. Terry Smith has come to my rescue! He has come up with a creative, intriguing, and memorable way to help Bible readers like me embed Bible truths in my mind. Handy acronyms like RPG (Rejoice, Pray, Give thanks), FAITH (Fully And Intentionally Trusting Him), and READ (four steps to READ your Bible better) summarize Biblical teachings in a logical, sequential, and practical way. And then these are followed up by practical application questions for the reader. This alone makes the book worthy of study. I am happy to recommend this book to all who want to both to learn the Bible and remember what they have read using simple acronyms that make truth ‘sticky.’"

-- Rev. Bruce Stevens, Executive Pastor, Rock Church, and Chair of Rock School of Ministry Board of Directors



Communicating Like Jesus Book


"I read the book... and thoroughly enjoyed it... our Savior is definitely the MASTER COMMUNICATOR and you (Terry) have done a superb job in presenting Him in this light... I trust your book will get wide circulation among preachers and teachers of the Word of God."

--Dr. Wendall Calder, Local Church Evangelism


"To preach and teach well, the place to start is with the preaching and teaching of our Lord. That’s the place to start, the place to end, and the place to visit often in the middle. Terry Smith takes us to that place."

-- Dr. Jeffrey Arthurs, Professor of Preaching & Communication, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary




  • VP of Ministry Advancement and past President of New England Bible College & Seminary, Bangor & South Portland, ME

  • Professor of Bible, Ministry & Theology, 25 years

  • Adjunct Professor of Preaching, Rock School of Ministry, 5 years

  • Pastor, 10+ years - senior, discipleship, youth & interim, worship leader

  • School Teacher - 2 years full time & 2 years part-time (Christian) & 5 years substitute (public)

  • Christian Camp Director - 6 years full time & 26+ summers volunteering


  • Th.D. (Doctor of Theology)

  • M.A. in Ministry, Moody Theological Seminary

  • B.A. in Biblical Studies, Crandall University

  • Certificate in Music Business, Full Sail University

  • Credit courses from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary

  • Credit courses from Moody Bible Institute

Presentations & Publications

  • Published book, The Bible to Life, Making Biblical Truth Memorable, available on,, Apple ibooks and

  • Published book, Communicating like Jesus, a Discovery of the Master's Methods, available on and other booksellers.

  • Published several pamphlets: 4 Simple Steps to READ Your Bible Better; Science in the Bible; You are a VIP! Created in the Image of God!; ACTS That Lead To Peace; Everyone is CALLED, Six Keys to Unlock Your Calling; 5 Steps to Discovering Your Spiritual GIFTS; FEAR of God: Remedy for Temptation;  It's as Simple as ABC... (The Good News of Jesus Christ and eternal life); A Time Management Plan you Can DEPEND on.

  • A workshop speaker for Why Jesus? with keynote speakers Lee Strobel and Ravi Zacharias, and many other conferences, seminars and retreats.

  • Recorded solo music album "Song of Love" and participated in other professional recordings & concerts.

  • Taught and facilitated several college & graduate courses and wrote syllabi, exams, quizzes and evaluations for each. Some of the courses were; Introduction to Preaching and Teaching, Biblical Interpretation, Biblical Leadership, The Pastoral Epistles, The Gospels and Acts, Personal Ministry Assessment, Spiritual Formation and Discipleship, Christian Theology, Christian Camping Ministry, Introduction to Guitar, Introduction to Apologetics, Biblical Archaeology, The Gospel of John, and Old Testament Survey.

  • Wrote several articles under the column title, "PRISM Points" for the student newspaper at the University of Maine Presque Isle and Northern Maine Technical College, Presque Isle, ME.

  • Wrote newsletters, press releases and articles for non-profits.

  • Wrote and taught staff training programs for Christian camps and conferences.


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